
Terms & Conditions

 1. Applicability
On 01-01-2017 is the name Knijp Kater Shop added the name Knijp Katten Shop. For both is subject to these Terms and Conditions. All offers, orders and agreements of Knijp Kater Shop to the exclusion of any other general conditions these Terms and Conditions (the Conditions).
Accepting an offer or placing an order implies that you accept the applicability of these Conditions.
The provisions may be waived only in writing in these Terms, in which case the remaining provisions shall remain in force.
All rights and claims, as in these conditions and stipulate any further agreements for Knijp Kater Shop are also stipulated for by Knijp Kater Shop intermediaries and other third parties.
2. Agreement
An agreement is only after acceptance of your order. Knijp Kater Shop is entitled to refuse orders or to attach certain conditions to the delivery, unless explicitly stated otherwise. If an order is not accepted, Knijp Kater Shop communicate this within eight (8) days after receipt of the order.
3. Prices / Offers
All offers are without obligation and Knijp Kater Shop expressly reserves the right to change prices, especially if this is necessary under statutory regulations.
All prices are in euros. Because the 2nd hand products, no VAT is calculated. Delivery is intended for collectors.
4. Returns
Returns are not accepted.
5. Payments
Orders via Knijp Kater Shop can only be paid by bank IBAN: NL29ABNA0438244583 name of L. Feijten (BIC: ABNANL2A) or Paypal, email: . Upon receipt of payment, the order is processed and shipped the goods. For sending orders using the rates
6. Delivery
The delivery times specified by Knijp Kater Shop are only indicative. Late delivery does not entitle you to compensation nor the right to cancel your order or to terminate the agreement, unless the delay in delivery is such that you can not reasonably expect you to maintain the agreement. You are then entitled to cancel the order or terminate the agreement if necessary.
The delivery of the goods at the place and time at which the products are ready for shipment. Up to 2x per year, the shipping time will be longer than 3 weeks while on holiday. No mention is made through the website. If possible you will receive through the Knijp Kater Shop order subject to notice.
7. Retention
The ownership of products is transferred only when all you owe under any agreement to Knijp Kater Shop has complied. The risk in respect of the products at the time of delivery to your about
8. Complaints and liability
You have the obligation to inspect whether the products meet the agreement. If this is not the case, you will Knijp Kater Shop as soon as possible and in any event within three (3) days of delivery, or after observation reasonably possible, in writing and motivated informed.
If it is demonstrated that the products do not meet the agreement, Knijp Kater Shop has the choice, but not required, to the products to be returned and replaced by substitute products or to refund the invoice value. The cost of shipping, packaging, etc. shall be borne by the customer.
9. Electronic communications and evidence
For misunderstanding, delays or transmission of data and messages resulting from the use of the Internet or any other means of communication between Client and Knijp Kater Shop (or third parties engaged by Client), Knijp Kater Shop is not liable unless and insofar is a case of intent or gross negligence on the part of Knijp Kater Shop.
The administration of Knijp Kater Shop constitutes full proof of the existence, content and implementation of the agreement with the Customer in any legal proceedings until the contrary is proved by the party who relies on the fact that the evidence is not reliable.
10. Force Majeure
Without prejudice to its other rights, Knijp Kater Shop has in case of force majeure the right, at its option, the execution of your order to suspend or terminate the contract without judicial intervention, by informing you of this in writing and so without the Knijp Kater Shop liable for any compensation, unless this would be unacceptable in the circumstances to standards of reasonableness and fairness.
Force majeure is defined as any failure can be attributed to Knijp Kater Shop, because it is not her fault and not under the law, act or generally accepted traffic for its account.
11. Applicable law and jurisdiction
All rights, obligations, offers, orders and agreements to which these Conditions apply, including these conditions, only Dutch law.
All disputes will be submitted exclusively to the competent court in the Netherlands.
By placing an order, you also agree to these terms.
Arnhem, January 2, 2022
Knijp Kater Shop


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